15.5 billion new stamps !
One more monthe and Americans will face the notorious change of the postal tariffs.
Of course, the fact that tariffs will be considerably raised by June 30, stir up the feelings, but one is also concerned with the enormous flood of new stamps consumers and - especially - collectors will be faced with.
No wonder: on June 7, 39 different stamps and cards will be edited. The site www.collect.com, which is dedicated to stamps, even calculated the number of specimens involved. Not less than 15.5 billions of stamps and 186 millions of postal securities were printed.
The main part of the new emissions consists of a stamp of a flag costing 37 cent. Nineteen different versions of this stamp will be available: some with, some without a mention of the stamp's worth. Five different printers were involved.
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Maandblad Filatelie