Look out for Hattie's large tooth!
Look out for Hattie's large tooth! It seems like the American 76 cent stamp portraying Hattie Caraway occurs in twoo types of perforation.
'Perforation' may be not exactly the right word, because the stamps have a so-called slit perforation or die-cut. Usually, the size of the slit perforation is 11 (see the stamp down left), but recently, collectors have also found a variety with the notation 11.4:11 (stamp down right). The deviation is easily to see thanks to the large 'tooth' down right. Hence the slogan 'Watch out for Hattie's large tooth', which sounds a little disrespectful (Hataway was America's first female Senator ever), but correctly indicates what collectors should pay attention to.
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Maandblad Filatelie