UPU wages 'war' on 'illegal' issues
It seems like the World Mail Union is really intending to deal with the problem of the illegal issues of stamps.
The criticism on the plans to come to a system which should stop the issue of such stamps has in any case not halted the WADP Numbering System. Contrarily, only recently has the World Mail Union sent around a press release in which the existence of a specal WNS page was presented (the abbreviation 'WNS' stands for WADP Numbering System). And indeed, recent issues of a number of officially acknowledged stamp countries can be found back on the webpage concerned (www.wnsstamps.ch). It, however, is quite clear that far more countries should become members when the system wants to become somewhat complete. But, of course, even Rome wasn't built in a day!
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Maandblad Filatelie